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Dates, times and place

Winter Camp 2024

Start/Arrival: Saturday 27 December 16:00 - 19:00,  start with dinner at 19:00 

Finish: Wednesday 1 January 2025 15:00  


We will organise a seminar with Natalia Aguero & Agustin Venturino on the 27th December If you need, you can arrive the 26th in the evening and stay overnight.


Summer Camp 2025
Monday 14 - Sunday 20 July, we hope a seminar and an extra milonga on Sunday 15 July with B&B option.


Paasheuvelgroep, Woudenbergseweg 473711 AA, Austerlitz, NL

Camp dormitory

Food is being prepared by the centre we rent, so we do not have to cook. We offer a choice between vegetarian and non vegetarian. The breakfast is being prepare by our own kitchen team and is a feast to see and eat.

Unfortunately the centre does not cater for diets. Some people bring food and heat it in the microwave or cook on a simple electric hot plate.

What to bring
Parties and dress code

Each camp we have one or two nights with a special dress code. We learned that sometimes this helps us to create a special focus and atmosphere.


Everything we do at the camp is based on invitation. So you do not have to dress up if you do not want to.

Helping our team
Children at the camp

The camp is an intensive event with a full program. We experienced that parents - especially with smaller children - can have a hard time dividing time between tango and children. Also there is little extra space for children to play and run around freely especially in the winter. Biggest problem is however that we have dormitories and young children can be ‘noisy‘.


So we ask you not to bring young children and give it a second thought if you want to bring your ‘bigger‘ kids. Talk to us in case you consider to bring your kids.

Role balanced
Our Taboe Dog Szimba

Meet our dog Szimba. She is a very human friendly dog, who likes to meet everybody. If you do not want her attention, just tell her to leave and she understands the word for NO in Hungarian: "Nem!" very well.